In most practices a small percentage of claims do not get resolved and can be difficult to conclude. This small percentage of claims may remain uncollected for months! Since you are not setup as a collection agency, you’re often faced with two difficult choices. Write off the unpaid accounts or refer them to a hard-core collection agency. A collection agency will charge you 35 to 50 percent of the value of the claim. Additionally, your practice will most likely lose the patient as a client.

Recover Money Faster

With Smart Collections, past-due accounts are paid to you directly unlike using a typical collection agency, you’re waiting to receive your money from the agency.

Save Money

Reduce internal costs by as much as 30 percent and your collection costs by as much as 50 percent by using our collection system.

Retain Control

You decide when to start collection activity, when to stop and how you want each account handled; diplomatically or intensively.